Earth Energy Medicine (Gemstone Healing)
Earth Energy Medicine:
Healing with Gemstones
Group Classes and Individual Sessions
Earth Energy Medicine Circles are offered by Star Weitman virtually through Zoom.
The 2024 Earth Energy Medicine Circles will continue our work with not only gemstone healing, but deepening our connection with Earth Energy in other forms such as working with Geomancy, Earth lay lines and other practices. Star will also continue to support exploration of the basics and effective techniques of Gemstone Energy Medicine, enabling participants to experience therapeutic gemstones self-treatments to clear, align and offer pain relief for our bodies. We also learn certain Acupressure points that enhance working with our Gems and about energy clearing techniques and sustainable practices to care for our environments, our loved ones and our pets.
During some sessions we also do some gentle movement and breathing exercises to help integrate and anchor the clearing we do in working with Earth Energy and Gemstones. For group classes, please come prepared with your cleansed gems (if you have them (you can also do the same work using your own hands), body and hands; wear natural fibers that you can be comfortable in as we move around our bodies; a fresh large glass of water and an open willing heart to love on yourself and your environment and to connect with your greatest potential in a clear, comfortable and caring space for healing and uplifting.
These classes are open to men, women and mature children. The learning we receive in these classes builds from class to class but all classes are open to people of all experience levels with Earth Energy and Gemstone Medicine unless otherwise noted.
Group Class Dates/TimesCost: Gemstone Healing Group Classes are offered for quarterly registration through Star Weitman's Self Care Saturday sessions (one Saturday per month) from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. Self CareSaturday Dates are announced in the Coyote Moon Calendar of Events. Notices for quarterly registration for Self Care Saturday sessions are sent via email - contact Star directly to receive these notices
Cost: $35 per class (sliding scale) $105 for Three Session Quarterly Package ~ Space is Limited. [NOTE: On one alternating Saturdays per month, Shelley Stump offers Deepening Journey Circles - for description go to Drumming & Journey Circles. To receive notices for the Deepening Journey Circle, contact Shelley directly at
Limited Individual Gemstone Healing Appointments: Star is offering very limited Individual Gemstone Healing Sessions at this time. These sessions may be arranged by appointment by contacting Star directly.
Gemstone Starter Kits: Gemstones used in the Gemstone Healing Classes are available for purchase from Star. Contact Star directly to get the "starter kit" and for any additional Gemstones you may be called to work with for your health and well-being.
Limited in-person individual gemstone healing sessions may also be scheduled with Star.
Earth Energy Medicine Practitioner and Gemstone Healer: Tayna "Star" Weitman , Founder and Lead Consultant of StarConserve LLC has many credentials and interests. StarConserve now focuses its core competencies in the sensitive areas of restoration of water and natural resources, by applying ancient principles of Geomancy and Earth energy wisdom to ensure site health and optimal energy flow. In addition to her extensive construction experience, Star brings passion, integrity, and a diverse knowledge of Earth Energy Medicine, including Gemstone Energy Medicine, Reiki, and Environmental Feng Shui as a catalyst supporting individuals and groups on their personal healing journeys.