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Drumming & Journey Circles

New Moon Women’s Support and Journey Circle Via Zoom

Coyote Moon Healing Center’s New Moon Circle is a virtual monthly women’s circle in which we use shamanic journeying as a path to direct revelation for individual spiritual guidance and support for others in the circle. A traditional women's circle known as the "Grandmother's Council" creates a setting in which women reclaim their traditional power and leadership roles as guides for their communities.  In this sacred circle, women learn about and practice shamanic journeying to seek guidance from the Grandmothers of the Eight Directions.  This long-standing traditional ceremony helps women come together to seek guidance from Spirit for themselves, their families, and their communities. 

The New Moon Women's Support and Journey Circle is scheduled on the Saturday closest to the New Moon each month - a time rich for planting seeds for transformation. These circles are included in the Coyote Moon Calendar of Events.

New Moon Circle Ground Rules:  Each woman:

  • Comes to circle ready to share with the group what is happening in her life and how she is actively working with Spirit for guidance
  • Shows respect for all others by being on time for sacred circle 
  • Calls for the talking stick when and as she feels moved to share
  • Honors each woman’s sharing by listening attentively and not speaking during another woman’s turn
  • Makes no comments and gives no feedback unless requested
  • Protects confidentiality of personal information and the traditional ceremony itself.  (Okay to share with others outside the circle what we have experienced in Circle, but not okay to disclose any information shared by another woman in the circle without her express permission or to disclose the contents of the ceremony itself. This is part of this ancient tradition!
  • Asks for and welcomes support and assistance from other circle members as she feels comfortable in moving ahead on her spiritual quest
  • Recognizes that through our Circle we are forming a community and contributes as she can to material support for the community as she is able (e.g., donations to Coyote Moon Healing Center, etc.)
  • [NOTE: When held in person: Participates in pot luck dinners to deepen our sharing time and connection]

New Moon Circle Leaders: 

Teacher of Ancient Wisdom Shelley Stump This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full Moon Medicine for the Earth (MFTE)/Healing with Spiritual Light Healing Circle Via Zoom 

Those who have trained in the Transfiguration and Transmutation practices of Medicine for the Earth by Sandra Ingerman, are invited to join us monthly for a Medicine for the Earth/Healing with Spiritual Light (MFTE) Healing Circle. Members of the Circle come together to transfigure into our Divine Light and transmute energies for the healing of individuals and the planet.   During this monthly gathering we call into the circle the names of people, animals, plants, Earth elements, Mother Earth herself - all Life - to receive the healing available from Creator's Spiritual Light. These circles are scheduled on the Saturday closest to the Full Moon to energetically connect to energetically connect with other Sandra Ingerman-inspired Medicine for the Earth and other Healing with Light Circles around the Earth to support and amplify this important healing work.  If you are not already on the email list to receive notices of these circles, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss the training you have completed to determine whether you can join this circle and be added to the email list.

MFTE/Healing with Spiritual Light Healing Support Requests:  During times between MFTE/Healing with Spiritual Ligh Circles, those who are Circle members also receive via email  "Healing Support Requests" to, as they are called, complete transiguration work in support of people who have requested healing assistance.  Participating in the Medicine for the Earth Full Moon Circle is a way for those called to this path to be in service in offering healing energy to Mother Earth and all Life.  It is a great honor to be called to be in service to planetary healing in this way.  These circles are listed on the Calendar of Events.   

 MFTEHealing with Spiritual Light Circle Leader: Teacher of Ancient Wisdom Shelley Stump This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Self Care Saturday - Deepening Journey Circle Via Zoom

Deepening Journey Circles are offered by Shelley Stump quarterly through Self Care Wednesday sessions (one Saturday per month (1:30 - 3:00 Pacific Time). These circles provide a sacred container in which to deepen your personal shamanic journey work for your own health and well-being.  As circle leader, in each circle Shelley (as guided by Spirit) will suggest a possible journey intention for your use or you can use that time to journey for any intention you choose to work with for yourself.  The Deepeing Journey Circle Self Care Saturday Dates are announced in the Calendar of Events. Notices for quarterly registration for Self Care Saturday sessions are sent via email - contact Shelley directly This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive these notices. Cost: $35 per class (sliding scale) $105 for Three Session Quarterly Package (price reduced if pay for full Quarter at a time) (limited scholarships available) ~ Space is Limited  [NOTE: One Saturday per month, Star Weitman offers Earth Energy Medicine Circle. For more information about Energy Energy/Gemstone Healing go to Earth Energy (Gemstone Healing).  To receive notices for these gatherings, contact Star directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..] See also Self Care Wednesdays.


Seasonal Celebrations: Community Solstice/Equinox Circles Via Zoom

We honor Mother Earth and the cycles of Nature as we come together via Zoom in March, June, September, and December each year to celebrate the transition of the seasons.  Each Solstice/Equinox celebration is focused on the traditional meaning of the season we are entering.  Check the Calendar of Events for the exact date and time of each seasonal celebration.




 Spring Equinox – March – mid-point between Winter and Summer Solstices - time of planting seeds for new growth









 Summer Solstice – June – longest day of light of the year in the Northern Hemisphere - time for celebrating warmth and light in all its forms




Autumn Equinox – September – mid-point between Summer and Winter Solistices - time for celebrating Harvest in our lives






Winter Solstice – December – shortest day of light of the year in the Northern Hemisphere - time for honoring introspection, rest and renewal and celebrating the return of the Light as the days begin to grow longer.





Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 08 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Self Care Saturday - Deepening Journey Circle (preregistration required))
Sat Mar 15 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Medicine Earth Healing Circle
Thu Mar 20 @ 5:30PM - 07:00PM
Spring Equinox Celebration
Sat Mar 22 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Self Care Saturday - Earth Energy Medicine Circle (preregistration required)
Sat Mar 29 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to the Spirit World Workshop
Sat Mar 29 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Women's New Moon Journey Circle
Sun Mar 30 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to the Spirit World Workshop
Sat Apr 05 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to Spirit World Workshop
Sat Apr 05 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Self Care Saturday - Deepening Journey Circle (preregistration required))
Sun Apr 06 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to Spirit World Workshop
Sat Apr 12 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to Spirit World Workshop
Sat Apr 12 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Medicine for the Earth Healing Circle
Sun Apr 13 @10:00AM - 01:00PM
Awakening to Spirit World Workshop
Sat Apr 19 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Self Care Saturday - Earth Energy Medicine Circle (preregistration required)
Sat Apr 26 @ 1:30PM - 03:00PM
Women's New Moon Journey Circle